Ceiba, Washed Guatemala

Ceiba, Washed Guatemala

from $16.00

12oz, 2lb or 5 lb bag

The Ceiba is named for the national tree of Guatemala, the Ceiba tree. In early Mayan and Mesoamerican cultures, the Ceiba symbolized the connection between land and sky. The Ceiba lot from Huehuetenango is a community coffee, investing in sustainable sourcing to benefit a large group of producers. The cup profile boasts a rich floral and berry aroma and is full of chocolate, lemon, and raspberry, with a creamy body thanks to the specific Huehuetenango terroir.

From our importing partner for this coffee, Ally: Our sourcing partner for Ceiba, Unitrade Coffee, maintains a close connection with producers and is active in improving regional coffee infrastructure. After the leaf rust epidemic several years ago, Huehuetenango is still recovering and Unitrade’s support of producers has been crucial to keeping family farms in operation. Coffee from the mountain communities around Huehuetenango is specifically selected for its fruity profile.

  • Producer: Smallholder Farmers

  • Altitude: 4,800 feet

  • Varietals: Caturra, Bourbon, Typica, Catuai, Catimor, Sarchimor, Pache, Pacamara

  • Process: Washed

  • Tasting Notes: Cherry, Chocolate, Berries

All coffees will be shipped within 3 days of being roasted. We roast coffees on Mondays, Wednesdays and Thursdays and we ship the same day or the following day.

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