Wush Wush, Natural Ethiopia
Wush Wush, Natural Ethiopia
Wush Wush is the name of a village in the Ginbo district of Keffa, famous for it's washing station and eponymous coffee varietal which is prized the world over for it's delicacy. Approximately 2500 farmers, most of whom qualify as 'garden farmers', come from the surrounding countryside to deliver their cherries to the washing station for further processing. Farm sizes generally range from 0.5 to 2 hectares, though some can extend up to 10 hectares. On average, the smaller farms yield about 2 to 4 bags of green coffee per year, so if you do the math our 100 bags come from at least 25-30 different smallholders. The washing station is well known for it's skill in producing beautiful natural and washed processed coffees. The Keffa district, from which the name coffee derives, has a long history of cultivation and pride in it's signature crop. Before being annexed to Ethiopia in 1897, the Kingdom of Kaffa thrived on a rich trade in ivory, gold, and civet oil. Coffee has been grown in the region for centuries, alongside forest cardamom, green peppers, and banana trees. Honey plays a significant role in Keffa’s culture and exports, with traditional wooden honey hives called "gendo" and a high consumption of Ethiopian honey wine, "tej." Catch this rare offering while it is still available!
Producer: Smallholder Farmers
Region: Wush Wush village, Ginbo District, Ethiopia
Varietals: Wush Wush
Altitude, 6,000 ft
Process: Natural
Tasting Notes: Grape Juice, Citrus Zest, Ginger, Raw Sugar
NOTE: This coffee is available in 8oz, 2lb, and 5lb quantities, not in our normal 12oz bags.
In order to expedite order fulfillment, we pre-roast most coffees and keep a small inventory for up to one week. Many coffees, particularly light roasted coffees or coffees for use as espresso, benefit from resting for 5-14 days after roasting for optimal flavor. Our heat sealed, valved bags keep coffee at peak freshness for up to 90 days and this pre-roasting practice ensures you will receive coffee at peak quality as quickly as possible.